The Gift of Song
Singing is the most powerful, natural medicine we all have the capability of "prescribing" or offering. We offer this medicine to ourselves and to others. Vocalizing allowed me to find my place in the world, not only as a singer and songwriter but as a better friend, girlfriend, daughter, roommate, and cat mom.
Singing is magical for two main reasons. When we sing, we stimulate the vagus nerve which helps promote relaxation, or actives the parasympathetic nervous system. Not only are we entering a state of rest and digest, but we are expressing and releasing emotion at the same time! That is medicine!
My Story
As a young girl, I was not encouraged to sing, especially by my father. My father preferred I played sports and learned fighting skills rather than learn how to express myself. As I move along my healing journey, I realize that people project all the time. Those in my environment, especially my father, didn't promote or support my singing abilities because they, at some point, did not feel supported in their lives when it came to something very meaningful to them, and they never properly processed that pain.
With this knowledge, I was able to heal my fear of vocalizing, heal my fear of being heard in a way I deeply desired to be heard.
I sang in my high school choir and performed in a musical; these were my favorite things about high school! Truthfully, because I wasn't considered the "best" singer by my teachers and peers, I never took singing seriously. That is until my early 20's when my, then, housemate bought me my first traveling guitar! It was a tiny guitar with steel strings and a very skinny neck. Soon after receiving this gift, I purchased a laptop, microphone, interface, headphones, and pro-tools and started recording music. I only ever left my walk-in closet to eat and use the bathroom, otherwise, I lived in my closet where I played and recorded all sorts of random songs. I taught myself chords and at first wrote very simple songs that I sang and listened to by myself in my room.
Today, I have a black classical, nylon string guitar that I am deeply in love with. I have been told I am a monoguitarist (meaning I only love one guitar and likely will not own another one as I feel this is cheating on my guitar). My classical guitar brings out the soul-wrenching tone of my voice that I have been told by others is deeply healing. It is such a beautiful compliment to hear people around me today say that my voice has helped them heal, feel, and recognize things within themselves they found difficult to see and accept prior to listening to my voice.
Singing, and learning how to take up space with my voice, has empowered me beyond my imagination. I hope to be given the opportunity to help others find this inner power and release the fear of being heard and seen. Singing is a medicine we all need for ourselves and for those around us.
For questions regarding upcoming events, shows, and group activities, please email me.